Friday, September 24, 2010

Good Uses for Excel

I have used Excel in the past and it is a very useful tool when it come to keeping up with a large amount of calculations or if you need to keep many things such as graphs and tables of numbers organized. As a future teacher I will use this program to do my grades, create assignments but also to keep inventory of my lab equipment as well. Excel is much more important than using a calculator because of the fact that you can set formulas to certain parts of your spreadsheets and do several calculations at once where as with a calculator you have to do one at a time which takes up a considerably much more time, as teachers we could use that time to prepare better assignments or find more and better ways to present our material that we are teaching.

The three primary functions of excel: storing, calculating, and presenting information,  are very important to us as teachers because we have to use that every day and that program was to me thought to be made just for teachers because of how well it fits in to what we as teachers need. Another important function that I think excel does for us is the fact of organization such as for science teachers to keep inventory of equipment, so we can make sure that we have enough supplies for all of our students.

Over all excel is important tool for teachers to use in the classroom to keep things simpler for keeping track of grades, better in presenting material and also as keeping up with information such as lesson plans.

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Maeningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hill.

1 comment:

  1. Like stated above, excel program is a great program that will reduce the time that it takes to average out everyone's grades. Using excel is not only good for you as a teacher but great for just all around education technology.
